GOD COMPARES WITH NO ONE OR ANYTHING AND IS OVER ALL | REVELATION 17:17 TO VERSE 18 IDENTIFIER... justice concerning what is written, our God addressing what is rightfully His, on behalf of our nation and the many.
Within blog lays outlines in each post to assist reformation on the mountain of economy, faceted in coming alongside government to aid in policy amendments, referendums to fiduciary, law and legislation. Our prayer is that RISE community servants preempted with hope may grasp initial project implementation. If two can put ten thousand to flight seven as a team may process completion to simple one or two page written formal policy presentation. In context we understand Yeshua as Servant of rulers, IS.49.7 leading with love justice generosity to further new USA economic polices and foundations.
When you think about the word judgement do you see the gavel dropping producing justice? in court. In heaven we have learned judgement is a God only capable type of right evaluation often associated with sadness within our Lord's heart, a grief over ongoing injustice, yet rooted in "he knows our self-consumed within our own project-spheres business and busyness to here and there naivety and sentimentality, amidst some his people', (and, in one facet--living no differently amidst current systems/kingdoms of this world);
-- many participating at a gain and/or financial debt level, yet refusing to examine, acknowledge, or even look at, considering his command to "come out of her" the construct of evil, disguised yet (headquartered in the city of Basel, Switzerland / Babylon Rev 17:18 identified city to Rev 18) concerning USA banking and everyday financial means, ties.
In Revelation as well we note Papa revealing Yeshua primarily in his governing leadership capabilities. His plan unfolding within concerning injustice to justice stating “Yeshua we agree with you”- You are fulfilling premises in motion throughout Revelation 10:1-7 to Rev 17:17, to v18 emph to Chap 18 coming fulfillment's w/zero endtimeitist-
Although He must fully reveal the root of evil, the love of money construct -please- understand, Yeshua' intent is to (awaken this jewish family lineage eventually - as Spirit out-pouring will hit the natural descendants of Israel among us - selah) YET HIS purpose IS TO lay the new economic foundation upon and in which we must build.
This begins by understanding His narrative his script - A Revelation 17:17 grasp to v18 identifier (amidst coming Chap 18 outworking's noting all descriptive's)... context: tie into merchants, merchant systems, fed wire country codes, credit, merchandise, gold, silver etc. A living reality- SOME being made rich "for thy merchants were THE GREAT MEN of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived" (link study-selah). Hearing his question amidst read-study-listen-intercession, “What lies in Basel?”
REVELATION 17.17 to v18 Identifier “And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.…that great city Babylon” (v2&10) God evaluates her (judges) in one hour, issuing forth justice, “Here is the mind that hath wisdom. The seven heads are the seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth' Rev 17:9 THE CITY OF BASEL, SWITZERLAND... (In other words her seat or place of authority, corporate headquarters). http://finalwakeupcall.info/en/2019/08/07/rothschilds-crime-construct-1/ ”And the woman which thou sawest IS that great city, which reigneth over the king’s of the earth.” Rev 17.18
The city of Basel is Switzerland's second-largest economic centre after the city of Zürich and has the highest GDP per capita in the country, ahead of the cantons of Zug and Geneva.[7] In terms of value, over 94% of Basel City's goods exports are in the chemical and pharmaceutical sectors. (*Sorceries; pharma'keia, witchcraft, noting: all pharmaceutical television commercials world-wide, insane side-effects, some vaccinations to man attempts, CV etc. yes we know Shawn Bolz' ending CV prophetic Fox News transcript). With production facilities located in the neighboring Schweizerhalle, Basel accounts for 20% of Swiss exports and generates one third of the national product.[8] Basel has been the seat of a Prince-Bishopric since the 11th century, and joined the Swiss Confederacy in 1501.
The city has been a commercial hub and an important cultural centre since the Renaissance, and has emerged as a centre for the chemical and pharmaceutical industries in the 20th century. In 1897, Basel was chosen by Theodor Herzl as the location for the first World Zionist Congress, and altogether the congress has been held there ten times over a time span of 50 years, more than in any other location. The city is also home to the world headquarters of the Bank for International Settlements. (*Our tie daily means concerning USA FDIC Banking debt creation societal enslavement etc... "but God!")
Rev 17:17 “For G-d has put in their hearts to fulfill his will and to agree and give their kingdom to the beast until the words of God are fulfilled”… v23b “for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by their sorceries were all nations deceived” (pharmakia : merchants : wealth. "made rich through her"... littered throughout Rev 18 as indictments to Babylon identifier BIS- bank...
“And the women which you saw is that great city, which reigns over the kings of the earth” Rev 17.18 Identified as City of Basel. EXTREMELY FOUNDATIONAL IN UNDERSTANDING THE MOUNTAIN OF ECONOMY, OUR BREAD.
In other words in one moment Jesus by his right evaluations (coupled with sufficient agreement ONE NIGHT while visiting Austin TX I agreed with 'his taking down') has and will yet is now acting (Rev 18.20) regarding: “On the third echelon, directly below *the BIS are the Rothschild-owned IMF – International Monetary Fund – and World Bank...
The IRS and similar tax-collecting agencies in other countries are structured as a foreign, private corporation of the IMF and forms the private “army” of the Federal Reserve – Fed – and all other Central Banks.
The main objective is to make sure the people pay their taxes and always remain useful slaves. Their sole devotion is to enslave entire countries and their populaces through their criminal debt money system.
How deceived are the majority of believers looking for a day? in which the mark is given to a society. How blinded have we been not to understand our nation's once gold standard having been demised by FDR June 5th 1933 then Nixon in the 70's ending convertibility to gold while announces wage and price controls. Beloved we are already in the anti-God system, kingdoms of this world, for decades.
Gold taken stolen right before our parent's eyes, God's gold, yet now here we are 50 years later.
Do you understand? we are long into premises already in motion concerning Revelation 13 in light of the systems/kingdoms of this world.
Unless you had a 440 FICO score one would never put 2 and 2 together. Do you think God approves the creation of a credit card? making billions out of debt, interest, digital thin air? yet to enslaving many, https://www.americanbanker.com/partnerinsights/temenos/article/the-trillion-dollar-digital-banking-profit-opportunity
yet alone, how do these entities, bankers get their grasp in on every piece of property in the United States of America? Click the link above, go ahead--look at the picture... then, scroll down to find HSBC case study: In 2017, HSBC North America launched a new suite of credit cards online and the bank was able to increase the number of new customers 4-5 times over. (It's all the enemy and his cronies - we are not against the people! within).