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Updated: Mar 10, 2020

American debt based spending doesn’t increase wealth...“total debt, as a percentage of GDP, has grown in the USA from around 150% in 1982 to nearly 300% today.”

Beloved, we are not going to belabor a point - amidst known solutions on site, our focus - you ask God in review and decide - what and which is right - amidst current financial trends, DEBT and His word. We will however state that there IS a market propped up by, and amidst many ungodly fallacies.


The purpose of a bear market, like the 2007/8 is to correct the errors of the preceding boom called bull market of before Aug. 2007. Most prominent among those errors is to think that money can be made by speculation. When this idea is successful for a while, good common sense is lost. People bought dotcoms with no business plan, and houses not to be lived in. When people don’t want to be involved anymore with these matters, the market has changed - which can take a long time to detect.

Applied Market Interventions Are A Distortion

And, this is correct; all the interventions from central banks over the last half a century have made matters worse. If governments could have acted as they should have done, their duty is to protect their own citizens and keep their hands on the economy, which is regulated by the market. The moment intervention is applied - a distortion is created and opportunities are created for the Elite to steal taxpayer’s money. It becomes a type of Casino where everyone tries his luck, but in this event, bank executive's play not with their own money - yet rather, that of customers, clients and taxpayers.



Some economists have made it clear that the only event that could save the Markets is a GCR which would place gold/asset-backed currencies of participating 209 nations at parity with each other. The GCR would naturally be accompanied by a Debt Jubilee that would zero out debt, much of which is contained in bank derivatives, including mortgages.

Great opposition has occurred to having the GCR implemented. Since it would necessitate taking USA Taxpayer dollars away from the private Central Bankers, read as the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, c.s. political elites in US Inc. Including the British Crown and Vatican – nowadays better known as the Deep State who presently own and run the Global Monetary System. Implicating; giving the power and stolen money back to The People. In other words, every country and the USA would need to return to the powers ingrained in their original Constitution, and restore the USA-Republic. (Not US-Republic - We the people want not nothing to do with The United States Corporation - disguised as US-Republic? - note : check that - as you leave site - on your other source reading). We are the United States of America under God. yes as a republic and by him we stand.

A Brand New People’s Economy

Is this the the reason why President Trump and the Patriots are building a brand new economic system? Is the people’s economy about to destroy the central bank economy, the world has been in since at least 1913.

Perhaps this is why we mentioned in other NEWS post a Heaven to earth annulling of the Federal Reserve Act.

The peoples’ economy is not based on debt money created out of thin air with interest attached to be paid by the taxpayers with the purpose to enslaving everyone. This new economy is built on sound gold asset backed money without usury attached.

In the central bank economy money is pocketed by the Rothschild central banks to be accumulated in their secret accounts at the Bank of England and the Vatican Bank in Rome. Our new economical system is about creating new jobs, creating a stable currency with no interest attached and, without private centrals bank.This is what the central banksters are afraid of; they will do everything to avoid this kind of people’s economy. They don’t want the people to see that they have committed fraud on a grand scale, but God! In the new system, people are going to discover there is no inflation nor deflation, no loss of purchasing power, it will be an incredible economy for everyone.

Every day life is going to improve, only one breadwinner in the family will be sufficient to being able to support everything that is needed. People don’t have to have credit cards to pay for their purchases.

The central banksters do not want the people to understand that they are the culprits who deliberately kept everyone poor by keeping them in slavery through a corrupt debt money system. By continually burdening them with new debt, instead of letting them live and enjoying 100% of their earned money.

A basic privilege to which everyone is entitled. Their biggest fear is that this is now becoming known. – Nor do they want the USA and the UK to conclude new bilateral trade agreements with other countries, apart from the WTO (World Trade Organization), which is the major pillar of the Deep State funding and power.

Recent events in preparation for future developments | Yes we know most are aware.

With the defeat of the Democrats over President Trump’s impeachment fallacy, it appears that considerable action is being further launched against those who falsely accused him. Q-followers expect that sensitive government documents will now enter further declassified that will further reveal shocking crimes and conspiracies.

The exposed criminals are likely to respond with counterattacks, most of which will not be visible to the public. As Q recently wrote; “The silent war continues”. (Article gleaning's & quote The Final Wake Up Call - D 2.0).

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