The Evergreen Corvette / 5 Years Into USA Financial Assessment
Lessons Learned or To Be Learned / Is It Your Choice or Unstoppable? / Prepare Yourselves Beloved ... do we have unseen issues? related to the love of money.
Yeshua Is Here For You In Our Midst... coming with USA gold backed currency, that's right---new US dollars backed by gold to filling his sheep's hands with the transference of wealth to the practical - In his stunning outworking amidst the United States of America, federal systems...
As we take ground amidst a territorial war.
The Evergreen Corvette / The Appeal to Heaven Prayer Movement / Recapturing the United States of America i.e. the Corvette / Addressing the FDIC and Janet Yellen head of the FED... our long-time Prayer-Song Assignment / How has she been running the USA Practically?... ON THE VERGE OF Donald choice -- new head of FED.
DREAM: The Evergreen Corvette: 12:12 pm - 01/16/2016
I was in a house (the FDIC) with an older generational Saint, i.e. Lou Engel. We came to look at and obtain an Evergreen Corvette. Evergreen Dutch Sheets' "Appeal to Heaven" coupled with the prayer movement. The Corvette, United States of America
As we walked into the house I knew there was something illegal going on legally within (the USA) as we both tried to navigate procuring the Corvette knowing; we were treading on ground that would bring forth ramifications, as this clearly was uncharted territory that we we're called into...
As we continued in our attempts to locate Deputy Marshall's appeared surrounding the house. (Those in authority yet deceived, decided and controlled) - as this occurred - the older generational Saint ran across the street in an attempt to escape or discuss yet I SAW HIM get put in handcuffs.
(Believe represents our coming public-stance without full one-another insight to what some will face, the probability of these going after those with 501(c)(3)'s) amidst enemy attempts to stop full Kingdom civil governmental authority). See Daniel 11:24-43 only place exploit mentioned in entire context chapter (<Link to script) into Chap12 outworking, complete victory.
As I looked out the window to see this - Deputy Marshall's entered the house; yet I was still intent on procuring the Evergreen Corvette by any means necessary. Then an older woman appeared - Janet Yellen - Head of the FED/FDIC - (a Jewish woman) with a mechanism in her hand.
As I looked I could see it was an American dollar bill wrapped around a tube like circular device. As I looked again I discerned that this was the linkage mechanism taken out from beneath the shifter of the Evergreen Corvette. It was in a sense what caused our nation to shift, drive and operate as it does.
She then went on to state "This device and role with credit is what makes the Corvette what it is and how it runs". As I listened I knew no matter what, I still would have what we came for; yet my mind focused on an underground hidden way to get out.
(This has all the implications pointing back to the seven year system and structure that Yeshua had built through harmonious unstoppable international bouillon law - Gold - backed gold-money for USA banking/merchant and monetary distributional asset systems)... recovery.
As I made my way out of the house through some type of beneath the street large corridor the scene shifted to an outdoor location in Los Angeles that I recognized.
As I looked across the valley I saw a freeway - representing normal ongoing life and lives in America - with hundreds of thousands of cars (callings and vocations) crashing in an unending crash scene.
I was then off running from the deputy marshal's in the valley as the location was LA open with smaller hills and mountains... yet now, we were in the midst of an actual war.
As I looked up to the mountain tops I could see very unusual aircraft shooting colored bombs of yellow, red and green / caution, stop, and go sensing; mature discerning was required to make it through this coming scenario.
As I glanced up briefly while running I noted that these crafts were not normal, almost not of this world - then realizing - that we were in the midst of a deceptive war, in the USA, coupled with 2 Thessalonians 2:8-12 factions.
Link w/scripture above - though context requires "a knowing the end from the beginning" concerning the revealing of the son of perdition, the man of sin - we understand by Nita Johnson that he now locked in a spiritual prison -
yet still able to communicate to the reprobate's - men in suits - her seeing these, as our Lord allowed her to follow a serpent threw a sewer right into his prison cell, where he stated, to these men, "I want to get out of here" as they stated - we're working on it, we assure you, we assure you, we're working on it"
As I continued to maneuver along through the valley staying low, hiding closer to the smaller hills... all of a sudden an entity tried to lift me up off the ground and take me away however, I was able to escape this - and all these things - Luke 21:34-36 - as I was awakened out of the dream, both of my arms punching at it.
The dream is open to further interpretation, discernment and prophetic implications.
As you can see by the ending in this dream it clearly speaks of Dutch sheets interpretation of the arms in the appeal to heaven movement with the Everlasting God in his Everlasting Evergreen Appeal to Heaven prayer movement yet now coupled with Yeshua coming financial USA Gold-back USN (United States Dollar) boxing apparel - in the Naving through these coming circumstances, AS OUR NATIONAL ROOTS TIE INTO THE USURPING OF USA BANKING AND MONETARY SYSTEMS - As stated through our founding fathers as see here.
Also quoting Dutch Sheets here: "That's the revelation of the "Ever-last" glove in the prophetic dream. The revelation of "Evergreen" wouldn't come until six years later at a Christ for the Nations graduation when Sheets asked one of his spiritual sons, a military man, to offer the graduation message. Long story short, the soldier pulled out a flag that George Washington flew on his naval ships before the United States of America was ever birthed."
"This is about furthering the gospel. This is about what God wants to do, not just here but all over the world. We're going to have to tap into this synergy of the ages. We are going to have to do the same thing they did. If we wear the everlasting covenant glove and wear the evergreen covenant glove and reconnect to our roots in Him, God will come through for us."
- however, amidst it all we have seen further out in Yeshua' experiential knowledge since 1999 Vision.
That year we had our only open vision seeing a nuclear weapon coming out of the sea hitting the eastern seaboard - destroying a portion of America. This vision brought about the understanding that God could shield us from a nuclear weapon out of the Daniel 3:24-30 premise. < Link context-wise -
if you look at the circumstances in this chapter please note Revelation 13:9-18 with a coming round again premise in the Image of the Beast - as you Look for "The Stone of Revelation" writing in 3rd underlined link ^ here...
As we keep in mind coming USA civil promotions out of Daniel 3 premise in context - if we can ALL understand and hit these marks with our own USA civil authority and combined calling's.
Revelation 17 To John - Yeshua' closet friend yet banished to the island of Patmos over the word of his testimony regarding what 'he had seen and heard' from Father, Holy Spirit and the glorified Messiah with assigned angel.
7 But the angel said to me, “Why did you marvel?...
... to 8
9 “Here is the mind which has wisdom: The seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sits. 10 There are also seven kings. Five have fallen, one is, and the other has not yet come. And when he comes, he must continue a short time. 11 The beast that was, and is not, is himself also the eighth, and is of the seven, and is going to perdition.12 “The ten horns which you saw are ten kings who have received no kingdom as yet, but they receive authority for one hour as kings with the beast.
13 These are of one mind, and they will give their power and authority to the beast. 14 These will make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb will overcome them, for He is Lord of lords and King of kings; and those who are with Him are called, chosen, and faithful.”
15 Then he said to me, “The waters which you saw, where the harlot sits, are peoples, multitudes, nations, and tongues. 16 And the ten horns which you saw on[d] the beast, these will hate the harlot, make her desolate and naked, eat her flesh and burn her with fire.
17 For God has put it into their hearts to fulfill His purpose, to be of one mind, and to give their kingdom to the beast, until the words of God are fulfilled. / all underlined are links.
18 And the woman whom you saw is that great city which reigns over the kings of the earth.” (See 'The Beautiful Ones' post for further tie-in and, rest of Revelation vs 7-8).
As we stated earlier in mission writing understand that we believe we may be in a secondary realm of seeing what we will walk through here in America; not necessarily that which we can alter.
I state these matters because pre-preparatory stages must occur in the natural; as we shift into action by what Holy Spirit shows us corporately once stated - on resource Site as hybrid i.e. dual powered believers, already equipped spiritually, as a living examples yet knowing his mind together as His Corporate Solutionist's
We have been privileged to lived through the living realities of 2 Thess 2:3-12 + seeing the occurrence of Matt 24:27-31 + more out of his given experiential knowledge and experience --- Chuck Pierce also recently releasing a warning on Sept 24th 5778 -
out of the Amos 5:11-13 TAX PREMISE over all in the Church, As Chuck Warned by one having a dream - yet which we've seen previously - these who will get locked down or up unless you pre-prepare 501c3's - wise... to switch or pull out into another disclosure or non- bracket - more on this later.
Though we all need one another we are constantly living in and looking at Yeshua' life model... as he pressed the issues to the jagged edge of being thrown off the brow of a cliff... as "the first-born among many brethren".
Beloved Yeshua has a fierce love and is deadly serious when it comes to justice and his removing oppression, even having heard recently online Pre The Call with Lou Engle hearing a female intercessor declaring/paraphrasing Psalm 2:12;
"Kiss the Son lest his rod of correction comes upon you" as we ask - who was hearing that? - KNOWING OUR AIM IS AT THE ENEMY - HIS ENEMIES...
As we - the Camp of the Saints - ... know who will remain per link to scripture in sentence here; i.e. as we point out the word "them" - while not in an Us against them Mode; as we ALL move further into Yeshua' Luke 12 outworking's... < as stated here within, by HIM.
In the end there appears to be a breech in the entire royal forever family prospering all together. Though certain ones may not want to acknowledge this - and yet, in the end - it's about submission to Father's will, as he knows, what is ultimately best for all.
Yeshua is not going to have this market cornering go one for much longer AS HE considers those who have not obtained all the royal forever family benefits others have.That means He is calling into accountability those like Shawn Bolz who has a far beyond far reaching established platform to get the many Body-Wide moving forward in these intentions of HIS.
When we find ourselves surveying inner cities with the Angel of Yahweh over the last SEVEN YEARS, recently seeing the conditions of the least of these, in Hollywood CA, compared to where most Saints are - the wealth that area and, our National wealth? IT IS AN UTTER DISGRACE having neglected the USA Mission Field.
We are stating beloved our God is marking the fore-heads and sealing those who sigh and grieve over these matters Revelation Chapter 7emph v1-3; as we've found ourselves recently gleaning in the connotations of Zechariah 1:1-17 emph v15; knowing Yeshua gave these what is written on-the-front-end... as an example for our learning upon whom the end of the age has come...
According to Revelation 7:1-3 and Zechariah 1:15 (read in above links) are some to continue in band-aid treatments pushing societal infrastructure ineffectiveness forward; considering those who continued to prosper during their orchestrated Great Depression depicted again for all to see in 2006 with actual pictures from that era in the Movie: Cinderella Man...
as we state again their current hereditary lineage being alive, marking most current state social services organizations - including Social Security, in their "lets see you live on that unjust portion"... over many YOU are not aware of.
As we recently asked a time-pressed "listen Judah I cannot do everything" local Pastor to join us who was not aware of his town's Homeless Shelter closing; catching this beloved man in an unannounced Spirit spontaneous moment -right before our going before of the LA County Supervisory Board concerning the closing of the Lancaster CA Homeless Shelter WITH THEIR 2.2 Billion dollar budget -
Mayor Parris of Lancaster in background - A LAWYER? - ORCHESTRATING THIS? with local residents? as we ask you to consider Yeshua' premise of furthering disaster? seen in NASB Zech 1:15 without anyone trying to read the so called lighter versions?
I remember hearing once "I hope I don't have to pull everything away from everybody who trusts in anything outside of Myself"... in the saving of them all.
As we ask, can we hit theses marks beloved, knowing Yeshua is going after Network Television for you in the CBS awakening the natural descendants of Israel mode; as he grabs the attention of our entire media nationally,
by further inter-dimensional mid-heaven/sky occurrences - in the power of Holy Spirit awakenings, once we plot the path to further rally around Mark Moulin, corporately.
Link in underlined.
And so we are to ask, would you like to land the realities in the corporate economic strength AND SHIFT of Heaven - as Holy Spirit has considered ALL the good NOTING THAT which has come forth in San Diego and elsewhere.
Above all else we have certainty that Yeshua will enact these matters as a priority upon his return and transition all into his effective monetary system. Are you aware that the FED, FDIC extracts 36 Million an hour from each and every American? which includes you.
Debts Canceled Every Seven Years
“At the end of every seven years you shall grant a release of debts. And this is the form of the release: Every creditor who has lent anything to his neighbor shall release it; he shall not require it of his neighbor or his brother, because it is called, Yeshua' release.
Beloved as you know we're just trying to keep caught up with Yeshua as our desire has been in keeping our toes brushing the heels of His feet; knowing the stunning realities of seeing his laws enacted, within the United States of America,
even amidst His pushing us out further for his purposes of preparation, concerning the well being of the many.
"We know that we all have knowledge. Knowledge puffs up, but love builds one another up (even in the natural, each with the economic strength of the Good Samaritan)... Therefore if anyone thinks that he knows anything, he knows nothing yet as he ought"
parenthetical mine