Effecting Culture and Kingdom Ambitions
BRIDAL FLARE AND FLOW: Released into the light of Mercy
El Shaddi : Elohyim' of the Mountain : most actuate transliteration of this aspect of His name.
Governing with the angels as we are the most powerful Prince_A_Pality under our Prince-of Peace-Salem-Shalom-Melchizedek amidst heaven's counsel. His original intentions with our counsel_in premises of the Realm of Eden.
The Camp of the Saint's : called out sent one's into the public for His sacred purposes.
His Bride / His Tribe - Born Under The Lion of the Tribe of Judah - Co Heirs' in our Messiah.
An out of the 4 walls mandate teaching. Courtesy of Chris Berglund and SWC 7/16/5777
Children/Youth: the deceptive one, not a mere talking snake in the Gan : Realm of Eden as we we're taught'
LETTER TO MERI CROULEY / Leadership please catch these premises for 'repentance'
Meri sending this in relation to your funding for Lonnie Frisbee's film - lets consider talking further in the future about my experiences with him in San Diego CA/Mission Hills community.
Quick exclamation here: I may have mentioned to you on the phone about creating a flyer and/or finding a way to connect with all the youth? at Vanguard University... tagging that area.
Whether this is my thought or not in this sentence I felt as though when I heard "get back in your track" prior to speaking with you on the phone - I noted Johnny excerpts below with some considerations that there may be a connection that's going to push your funding forth in the Costa Mesa area?
I mentioned this because of the projects we all carry for Yeshua in funding that will come. (I need to stay in my track) Not sure if we're supposed to be of the same mind on these for him? coupling projects in tandem w/gold distributional asset - for societal change and fundraising purposes, with a certainty of multiplication in return for all who invest in themselves, simultaneously investing in you.
I'm not going to explain that to you in email yet I'll let you do a bit of reading at the end of what is copy and pasted @ 67 - yet don't let my Site stop you from hearing in the moment over the excerpts below from Johnny.
Realize as you read this that Yeshua is very intentional about addressing issues in leadership, amongst each and every church body.
I know Him in that heart concern of his as that has been one of my faceted mandate over the last 5 years. We're all going to get this right because we're turning a huge corner in what I have seen and heard from him, regarding what it is going take for him to turn and govern an entire nation, set-apart as his living examples.
"The 67 number is also to connect us with 1967. We are at the 50 year mark of The Jesus Movement and there is to be a celebrating and revisiting of that move of God, as well as being taken to the next level of Holy Spirit activity. The Jesus Movement was spearheaded by a young, on fire for God, hippie named Lonnie Frisbee. He was not only the catalyst for that movement, but also for the Calvary Chapel and Vineyard denominations who essentially owe their existence to this man. Lonnie Frisbee has not really been honored properly for his role in any of those three movements because of his struggles with homosexuality that became public, eventually subsequently succumbing to AIDS. What seems to be most forgotten by religious leaders that want to diminish Frisbee’s role in that world-shifting time period, is that God chose to use this man to release the great spiritual breakthrough of his generation.
The Lord has shown me that there is yet a proper honoring of Lonnie Frisbee that is to come on earth. As much as people may be aware of how he failed the church, if people knew all the truth, they would be aware that the church failed Lonnie more than Lonnie failed the church. With a pure loving heart, Lonnie started out with manifestations of raw power of God reflected in great authority over demons. He quickly became a sensation because of the anointing on his life. Once you become famous in church circles, the road is often very treacherous as those in influential places are often quite wounded and therefore prone to treachery. When everyone knows that your presence at their church, meeting, or event can add people, legitimacy, and money— then all kinds of manipulations get brought into place that can dishearten the most pure-hearted.
The brokenness in church leadership was very damaging to Lonnie Frisbee and caused him to regress in areas of his wounding. Nevertheless, I believe the Lord is about to release 50 “Lonnie Frisbee” mantles and these will operate again initially and primarily outside the 4 walls of the church. These will be those new leaders who march to the beat of a different drum, love the unlovely, and burn with a passionate fire for God’s kingdom to be released on the earth. They will be known by great authority over demons and an unconditional love for “sinners.” Church, watch out, because out of the woodpile of brokenness is about to arise a new breed of leaders who will burn with so much intensity that our status quo will be forever challenged."
JOHNNY ENLOW / JohnnyandElizabethEnlow.com
Testimony: Missions Hills, San Diego California
Beloved I was privileged to be a part of Lonnie Frisbee's community in San Diego California right before His passing into glory. Lonnie was none other than a true healing servant in the premise of Yeshua life model. He befriended me counseling me through the heart ache of a lost love with faithful women and men surrounding us, those amidst his - our small community.
Thank you Abba, Yeshua and Holy Spirit for the life and love experienced by your friend and servant Lonnie Frisbee.
Cannot wait to see you again Lonnie, thank you for your enduring contribution in my life journey.